Stefan's headers [was:Names and identifiers]

Rick Johnson rantingrickjohnson at
Tue Jun 12 17:33:40 EDT 2018

Gregory Ewing wrote:


> * Charging money for copies of software is not the only way
> to make money from programming. You can charge for support
> services. You can charge for writing custom one-off
> software. There are people who make a good living from
> doing these things.

Microsoft not only demands to be paid for writing the
software *and* maintaining it, but they also demand that you
pay to have it upgraded every couple of years after it
"mysteriously" becomes exponentially more laggy and exploit
prone than usual.

 "Hmm, i wonder how that happened?"



 "Oh noes!" O_O

 "The software fuel tank is almost _empty_!"

How else will they convince you to buy the latest copy of
windoze 95?

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