
Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Tue Jun 12 15:27:35 EDT 2018

On 12/06/18 15:45, T Berger wrote:
> Why doesn't the system allow me to set filters for my own posts? I was able to do it once, but when I returned to the forum, I was back among the unfiltered posts. When I tried to reapply the filter, the option was grayed out.
> Also, I've selected the option to get email updates to my posts, but the option seems to work only selectively.

A solution is to point any (semi-)decent email client/news 
reader/whatever the things are called, at and read 
hundreds of python forums and thousands of other technical forums whilst 
leaving your own inbox clear.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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