How to work on a package

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at
Wed Feb 7 18:17:10 EST 2018

On 2018-02-07, Rob Gaddi <rgaddi at highlandtechnology.invalid> wrote:

> When I'm working on a module, the trick is to write a (using 
> setuptools) from the very get-go.  Before I write a single line of code, 
> I've got a and the directory framework.
> Then you install the package using pip -e (or in practice --user -e). 
> That's the missing piece.  That way you can import your module from the 
> interpreter, because it's now on the path, but its physical location is 
> right there where you left it, complete with your VCS metadata and etc.

How do you work on a package that must remain installed and usable the
whole time you're working on it?

IOW, only specific test apps or apps run in a specific directory
should get the "in-progress" foo module when they do an "import foo".

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Am I in GRADUATE
                                  at               SCHOOL yet?

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