How to work on a package

Roel Schroeven roel at
Tue Feb 6 16:44:48 EST 2018

I'm fairly comfortable writing Python code, but I only have experience 
writing scripts with perhaps a few supporting modules. Now I want to 
start writing a package, and I'm feeling a bit helpless: I'm not sure 
how to organize my work.

In my way of thinking, I would have a working tree for the package (or 
even more than one), and also an installed version (once version 0.1 or 
so is ready).

For example, let's say I'm working on luaparser 
( There are tests in 
directory luaparser/tests, and I want to execute those tests. So I 
execute, for example:

$ python3 -m unittest

But that doesn't work:

ERROR: test_ast (unittest.loader._FailedTest)
ImportError: Failed to import test module: test_ast
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/unittest/", line 153, in 
     module = __import__(module_name)
   File "/home/roel/temp/py-lua-parser/luaparser/tests/", 
line 1, in <module>
     from luaparser.utils  import tests
ImportError: No module named 'luaparser'

The test tries to import the global luaparser package (beause they use 
absoluate imports, which is the recommended way if I understand 
correctly), but that's not what I want: I want to test the local version 
in my working tree.

I guess I could use something like

$ PYTHONPATH=../.. python3 -m unittest

but it feels like there should be a better way than manually specifying 
the module search path.

How do people usually do this? Is there maybe a guide that explains the 
practical side of writing packages?

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge
faster than society gathers wisdom.
   -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

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