Why am I getting Error 405 while uploading my package to https://test.pypi.org/legacy?

sntshkmr60 at gmail.com sntshkmr60 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 19:25:05 EST 2018

>   did you check your dists via twine?
>   $ twine check --verbose dist/*

I checked with `twine check dist/*` (there's no --verbose option though).
I only get warning about markdown

>   also make sure you are using up to date versions of
> setuptools, wheel and twine
>   $ pip install --upgrade setuptools
>   $ pip install --upgrade wheel
>   $ pip install --upgrade twine

[65]> import setuptools, wheel, twine
[66]> print(setuptools.__version__)
[67]> print(wheel.__version__)
[68]> print(twine.__version__)

>   i just used it earlier today...  worked fine for me.
> is your account there and verified?

Yes, I have an account on TestPyPI and is verified. 

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