Use a function arg in soup

Sayth Renshaw flebber.crue at
Wed Aug 1 07:30:51 EDT 2018


I want to use a function argument as an argument to a bs4 search for attributes.

I had this working not as a function
   # noms = soup.findAll('nomination')
    # nom_attrs = []
    # for attr in soup.nomination.attrs:
    #     nom_attrs.append(attr)
But as I wanted to keep finding other elements I thought I would turn it into a generator function.

def attrKey(element):
        for attr in soup.element.attrs:
            yield attr

results in a Nonetype as soup.element.attrs is passed and the attribute isn't substituted.

# Attempt 2 
def attrKey(element):
        for attr in "soup.{}.attrs".format(element):
            yield attr

# Attempt 3 
def attrKey(element):
        search_attr = "soup.{}.attrs".format(element)
        for attr in search_attr:
            yield attr

so I would call it like

Any ideas on how the function argument can be used as the search attribute?



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