testfixtures 5.2.0 released!

Chris Withers chris at withers.org
Sun Sep 3 17:37:43 EDT 2017

   Hi All,

   I'm pleased to announce the release of testfixtures 5.2.0 featuring the

     * test_datetime and test_time now  accept a [1]datetime instance  during
       instantiation to set the initial value.
     * test_date now accepts a  [2]date instance during instantiation to  set
       the initial value.
     *    Relax     the     restriction     on     adding,     setting     or
       instantiating    test_datetime    with    tzinfo    such    that    if
       the tzinfo matches  the one configured,  then it's okay  to add.  This
       means  that  you   can  now  instantiate   a  test_datetime  with   an
       existing [3]datetime instance that has tzinfo set.
     * testfixtures.django.compare_model() now ignores [4]many to many fields
       rather than blowing up on them.
     * Drop official support for Python 3.4, although things should  continue
       to work.

   The package is on PyPI and a full list of all the links to docs, issue
   trackers and the like can be found here:


   Any questions, please do ask on the Testing in Python list or on the
   Simplistix open source mailing list...




   Visible links
   1. (in Python v2.7)
   2. (in Python v2.7)
   3. (in Python v2.7)
   4. (in Django v2.0)
   5. https://github.com/Simplistix/testfixtures

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