possible bug in while loop test

Charles Hixson charleshixsn at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 2 13:53:11 EDT 2017

python3 --version
Python 3.5.3

Running on Debian stretch

In this code s is a string parameter

while (j < k   and \
          (s[j].isalnum())      or   \
           (s[j] in seps and s[j+1].isalnum()) ):
    j   =   j + 1
    print ("i = {0}, j = {1}, k = {2}, len[s] = {3}".   \
          format(i, j, k, len(s) ) )

Yields the result:

i = 25, j = 27, k = 31, len[s] = 32
i = 25, j = 28, k = 31, len[s] = 32
i = 25, j = 29, k = 31, len[s] = 32
i = 25, j = 30, k = 31, len[s] = 32
i = 25, j = 31, k = 31, len[s] = 32
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "parse1.py", line 40, in <module>
     print (parse1("The gostack distimms the doshes."))
   File "parse1.py", line 21, in parse1
     (s[j] in seps and s[j+1].isalnum()) ):
IndexError: string index out of range

I hesitate to report this, because I've been wrong so often, but it 
looks to me like the last iteration should not have happened since j is 
not less than k.

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