Let's talk about debuggers!

Paul Rubin no.email at nospam.invalid
Fri Oct 27 01:43:01 EDT 2017

Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> writes:
> On Windows, [IDLE] uses native widgets when possible...
> In summary, I think debugger should rate at least 'good' rather than
> fail' when it comes to showing you the next line.

I actually like how the Tk widgets look.  I've done some semi-industrial
applications with tkinter and they have a nice factory-floor vibe.

I generally just use pdb for debugging.  The feature I miss most is the
ability to trap to the debugger if the program throws an unhandled
exception.  I think some other Python debuggers do support that.  I've
found it invaluable in other languages.

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