Sockets but calling from different programs

Cameron Simpson cs at
Wed Oct 25 01:10:02 EDT 2017

On 23Oct2017 05:33, T Obulesu <obulesu.t at> wrote:
>I'm new to python3 and scratching my head to write a program for this logic:

The tutor list might be a better place for such questions, but since we're 

>Class A:
>          # class for socket communication
>          basic init method that initializes port, address, connection
>         method send(message):
>         # for sending any message through the given port
>       method receive():
>       # will be keep on listening for incoming messages
>Class B:
>           import the send method from class A
>           send the messages from this class
>Class C:
>            import the receive method from the class A
>            receive all the messages from the same socket from here.
>,, are saved in different locations.
>Can someone help me in writing the code and how can I create a single object 
>and use it in multiple classed?

That is a pretty normal arrangement. Class A might look like this:

  class A:
    def __init__(self, port, address):
      self.connection = ... make your connection to (address, port)
    def send(self, msg):
      send msg using self.connection ...

Since classes B and C seem expected to share tha same connection, the natural 
thing is to set up the connection _separately_ from setting up B and C, and 
pass the established connection to each.

So class B might commence:

  class B:
    def __init__(self, conn, ...):
      self.conn = conn
      ... whatever other initialisation ...
    def speak(self, something):

You'll notice here that we're _not_ importing anything about class A here.  
Class B does not need to know class A's name to use it.

Because Python uses duck typing, you could pass _any_ object which has a 
.send() method as "conn" to the class B setup. This allows you to write some 
other class A2 with those same methods, but using some different type of 
connection, and pass that in to classes B and C.

So a main programme might set things up like this:

  from classA import A
  from classB import B
  from classC import C

  conn = A(address, port)
  sender = B(conn, other-stuff...)
  receiver = C(conn, other-stuff...)

and so forth.

Cameron Simpson <cs at> (formerly cs at

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