FW: Printing to a file and a terminal at the same time

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 06:43:14 EDT 2017

It wouldn't be too difficult to write a file object wrapper that emulates tee, for instance (untested):

class tee(object):
    def __init__(self, file_objs, autoflush=True):
        self._files = file_objs
        self._autoflush = autoflush

    def write(self, buf):
        for f in self._files:
        if self._autoflush:

    def flush(self):
        for f in self._files:

use like so:

    sys.stdout = tee([sys.stdout, open("myfile.txt", "a")])

Another approach is by bsandrow (https://github.com/bsandrow/pytee), which uses fork and os.pipe(), this more closely resembles what the actual tee command are actually doing.

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