The "loop and a half"

Ben Bacarisse ben.usenet at
Wed Oct 4 08:59:31 EDT 2017

ram at (Stefan Ram) writes:

> bartc <bc at> writes:
>>Note that your reverse-indentation style is confusing!
>   In Python, indentation can be significant.
>   Sometimes, some lines in Python must be indented by 0.
>   This dictates that Python code cannot be indented
>   in posts to differentiate it from the natural-language
>   body of the post. Therefore, it's rather the
>   natural-language body that has to be indented.

It does not /dictate/ it.  It just makes it convenient for people with
certain news readers.  If you posted

  def f(x):
     return x*x

I can select the block starting in column 2 and paste it into a python
REPL quite easily.  I prefer software that copes with existing
conventions rather than have the conventions change to make it easy for
the software.

But if I felt I should not indent my python code, I would certainly not
indent my text commentary.


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