Code Snippets

Irmen de Jong irmen.NOSPAM at
Wed Nov 1 16:33:27 EDT 2017

On 11/01/2017 06:25 PM, Stefan Ram wrote:

> import random
> ...
> random.random()
>   Now, the user has to cut the import, paste it to the top
>   of his code, then go back to the list of snippets, find
>   the same snippet again, copy the expression, go to his code,
>   then find the point where he wanted to insert the snippet again,
>   and finally insert the snippet. And still there now is a
>   risk of name collisions. So, it seems to me that __import__
>   is just so much better!

..or suggest them to use an IDE instead? For instance in PyCharm you can type:
random.random()   (squiggle appears under random)
(it suggests: Import This name)  <Enter>
(it suggests: from random) <Enter>
done, an import random has been added at the top of my module.


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