dieter dieter at
Wed May 24 02:24:55 EDT 2017

jorge.conrado at writes:

> I downloade the pyhdf-0.9.0 and install it. Then I did:
> from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
> and I had:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> ImportError: No module named pyhdf.SD

The error tells you that there is a "pyhdf" module/package but
it lacks an "SD" module.

This can mean 3 things:

 * your understanding of "pyhdf" is incomplete and "pyhdf" is not
   supposed to have a module "SD" (maybe, it is spelled "sd" instead;
   case may be important on platform with case sensitive filenames)

 * something went wrong with the installation

 * some other module/package with name "pyhdf" (maybe with different
   case, should you be using a platform with case insensitive filenames)
   shadows the installed "pyhdf".

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