EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Aisha Bello & Daniele Procida

Alexander Hendorf hendorf at
Mon May 22 08:03:56 EDT 2017

We are pleased to announce our next keynote speakers for EuroPython 2017: 

                ** Aisha Bello & Daniele Procida ** 

About Aisha
Aisha currently serves as vice chair for the Python Nigeria community. 
She has helped co-organized and support a number of Django Girls workshops 
in Namibia & Nigeria. She also is a co-organizer for PyLadies Nigeria. 
She is an ardent Tech and Python community enthusiast with a strong desire and passion 
for social change, women’s tech education and empowerment in Africa. 

In 2016 she won the Django Software Foundation Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial 
prize for her contributions to the community. Currently she works as 
an Associate Systems Engineer for Cisco Systems.

About Daniele
Daniele is an avid contributor to open source software and its communities. 
He has been a core developer of Django for over three years and recently joined 
the Django Software Foundation board. He works at Divio, where he helps support 
and develop open source Django products. Daniele is a veteran community builder. 

His contribution as part of the organising committee of PyCon Namibia has been key 
in establishing a successful Python community in Namibia.

The Keynote: The Encounter: Python’s adventures in Africa
A genuine encounter changes both parties. In this talk Daniele and Aisha will report 
on the dialogue opened up by recent PyCons and other Python events in Africa. 

They’ll discuss Python’s impact in countries including Namibia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe, 
and what open-source software means for Africa at large 
- and what the encounter means for Python too.

EuroPython 2017 Team

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