How to install Python package from source on Windows

MRAB python at
Mon May 15 23:42:53 EDT 2017

On 2017-05-16 02:19, Deborah Swanson wrote:

> I'll accept that, though I still don't quite understand the recent
> dependence on Visual C++, after Python has been building its releases
> with the tools you and others mention from the beginning until shortly
> after the first 3 build was released, and the requirement has been so
> much deeper since 3.4.3, that Python (apparently) can no longer use the
> Visual C++ compiler built into XP.  These are just things I wonder about
> since these new requirements put a real crimp in what I'm currently able
> to do, and I wonder how they will change Linux too. Again, lots of stuff
> for me to pursue on my own here.
CPython is being developed primarily on Linux. Linux and other Unix-like 
operating systems come with a C compiler as standard (the histories of 
Unix and C are closely linked).

Windows, on the other hand, doesn't come with a C compiler. If you've 
ever wanted to write something in C on Windows, you've had to install a 
C compiler yourself.

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