Promiscuous ports under Linux

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at
Thu May 4 14:04:02 EDT 2017

On 2017-05-04, Peter Pearson <pkpearson at nowhere.invalid> wrote:

> I'm curious to survey all my LAN traffic in various ways, and it seems
> likely that I will see phenomena that I don't understand, and focussing
> in on those phenomena is likely to require more flexible filtering
> than Wireshark can provide.  I expect to leave this process running for
> maybe 24 hours at a stretch, maybe longer, with real-time alerts when
> interesting things occur.

You can libpcap (which is what wireshark uses on Linux) to deal with
the details of capturing the packets and do the analysis in Python.

> Maybe Wireshark can do everything I'll ever need to do, but it seems
> so complicated, and Python seems so simple . . .

I've been using pylibpcap for yonks, and have no complaints.

Another advantage of pylibpcap is that you can used it to read files
saved by wireshark or tcpdump.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Somewhere in DOWNTOWN
                                  at               BURBANK a prostitute is
                                OVERCOOKING a LAMB CHOP!!

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