C-Python and Endianness

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at rece.vub.ac.be
Mon Mar 27 05:34:38 EDT 2017

Op 26-03-17 om 08:47 schreef Ganesh Pal:
> Hello Team ,
> I want  to write the  hexadecimal string that is passed from python  as  it
> is  on disk in C  , my problem is that  the values are getting stored  in
> little endian and

Are you sure you are passing a string? Or are you passing a number and expecting
a particulare result when you hexdump the file?

> the values are  swapped it has been quite a pain for me to fix this , any
> suggestion on how to fix this (I am on Python 2.7 and Linux).

Why is this a problem? This is how things usually work on little endians
machines. If you are just reading and writing numbers in a binary way
this will work without a problem. However you may need to be carefull
when transferring the file to a bigendian machine.

So why do you perceive this swapping as a problem to be fixed?


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