Who are the "spacists"?

Marko Rauhamaa marko at pacujo.net
Sun Mar 19 19:04:42 EDT 2017

Larry Hudson <orgnut at yahoo.com>:
> A trivial point (and irrelevant)... The thing I find annoying about an
> editor set to expand tabs to spaces is that it takes one keypress to
> indent but four (or whatever) to unindent.

In emacs' Python mode, if I have entered:

env.SharedLibrary('custom', [ 'a.c',

and press Tab, the cursor moves to the right position:

env.SharedLibrary('custom', [ 'a.c',

Now, pressing Backspace once (or Tab once more), I get:

env.SharedLibrary('custom', [ 'a.c',

After a second Backspace (or a third Tab):

env.SharedLibrary('custom', [ 'a.c',

and so on, 4 columns at a time.

I have told emacs not to use HT characters.


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