Syntax error for simple script

Erik python at
Mon Jun 26 19:39:09 EDT 2017

On 27/06/17 00:21, Stefan Ram wrote:
> Erik <python at> writes:        Using 'print' as a
>> statement is obsolete syntax in Python 3.
>    »print« never was a statement.
>    »print« was a keyword (2.7.6 2.3.1).

*sigh* Whatever.

You have completely ignored my point (that perhaps the message could be 
a little more descriptive, as it's a special case anyway) and instead 
are trying to prove me wrong on some technicality because I used one 
word incorrectly.

Fine, I used the wrong term. How does that help this conversation about 
the usefulness of the error message?

OK, so "Using 'print' as a keyword is obsolete syntax" then? I even said 
I didn't care what the wording was, just that it could be a tad more 


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