Ciphers in SSL library python.

Ray Cote rgacote at
Wed Jun 14 17:48:55 EDT 2017

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 4:40 PM, <djnight538 at> wrote:

> Hey, I'm "the server(I've written using ssl/socket)" and my client is
> using RC4-SHA, but I can't make the server to use it. I make "
> ciphers='RC4-SHA' " in the ssl.wrap_socket. Do I need to modify SSL file or
> something to make it work?

Had not realized you were the server.

Been a long time since I used SSL, but here’s a few thoughts.
1: What version of Python are you using?
2: What version of OpenSSL are you using? RC4-SHA is considered insecure
and might be disabled at the OpenSSL/OS level.
3: You say you set ciphers=. I found some old code that used the
set_ciphers context call. That might be the approach.

Raymond Cote, President
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