New release of Scalpl (v0.2.4) ✨🍰✨

guillaume.paulet at guillaume.paulet at
Thu Jun 8 05:46:41 EDT 2017

Good morning evernyone !

I released a new version (0.2.4) of Scalpl yesterday evening which is 
available on PyPI :)

Scalpl is a lightweight wrapper that helps you to operate on nested 
dictionaries through the built-in dict API, by using dot-separated 
string keys.
It's not a drop-in replacement for your dictionnaries, just syntactic 
sugar to avoid this['annoying']['kind']['of']['things'] and 
It aims to keep the power of the standard dict API while being lighter 
and faster that Box or Addict.

This new release allows you to traverse nested list in your 

     from scalpl import Cut
     data = {...}
     proxy = Cut(Data)
     proxy.update({'users[42][0].skills', 'Python'})
     # data['users'][42][0]['skills'] == 'Python

It also contains:
     * A pretty good refactoring of the code base.
     * Better exceptions
     * More tests

I also tried to improve the README, with a benchmark section and a FAQ.

I would really appreciate your feedbacks to improve this project !

Have a great day :)


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