Finding the name of an object's source file

Friedrich Rentsch anthra.norell at
Tue Jun 6 10:48:49 EDT 2017

On 06/06/2017 03:52 PM, Matt Wheeler wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jun 2017 at 11:20 Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>>>>> import os
>>>>> inspect.getsourcefile(os.path.split)
>> '/usr/lib/python3.4/'
>> And so much more fun than scanning the documentation :)
> Alternatively, without using inspect, we can get around `Object.__module__`
> being a string by importing it as a string:
>>>> import importlib, os
>>>> importlib.import_module(os.path.split.__module__).__file__
> '/Users/matt/.pyenv/versions/3.6.0/lib/python3.6/'

Stupendous! Thanks both of you. I tried the Peter's inspect-based method 
on a hierarchical assembly of objects:

 >>> def sources (S, indent = 0):
     print indent * '\t' + '%-60s%s' % (S.__class__, 
inspect.getsourcefile (S.__class__))
     if isinstance (S, WS._Association):
         for s in S:
             sources (s, indent + 1)

 >>> sources (M[1][1])
<class 'workshops.Chain'> /home/fr/python/util/
     <class 'workshops.Merger'> /home/fr/python/util/
         <class 'position.TF_Position_Journalizer'> 
position.Position_Activity /home/fr/python/finance/
position.normalizer /home/fr/python/finance/
position.split_adjuster /home/fr/python/finance/
position.Journalizer /home/fr/python/finance/
     current_work.report_unmerger /home/fr/temp/
     <class 'position.Report_Writer'> /home/fr/python/finance/
         position.report_name_sender /home/fr/python/finance/
         position.Summary_Report /home/fr/python/finance/
         workshops.File_Writer /home/fr/python/util/

Wonderful! Awesome! Matt's solution works well too.

Thanks a million


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