Downloading a file with Python 2

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Sat Jul 22 16:14:58 EDT 2017

Rahul Sircar wrote:

> I wrote my code for downloading a file 'Metasploitable' using urllib2.But
> it seems to have entered infinite loop.Because the screen is blank.It just
> hangs there.

It "hangs", i. e. doesn't give any feedback while the data is retrieved.

> Please have a look at my code.
> import urllib2
> file = ''
> url='
> '
> response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
> fh=open(file,'w')
> fh.write(

The line above reads the complete file into memory before it even writes the 
first byte. That's usually fine if the file is small, a few KB, say, but in 
this case (833MB) it's better to read smaller chunks, like in 

CHUNKSIZE = 2 ** 12
total = 0
with open(file, "wb") as f:
    while True:
        chunk =
        if not chunk:
        total += len(chunk)
        print total, "bytes written"

Another option is to use urllib.urlretrieve which also allows to give some 
feedback while downloading:

import sys
import urllib

file = ''
url = (

def progress(block, blocksize, filesize):
    sys.stdout.write("\r%s of %s" % (block * blocksize, filesize))

urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename=file, reporthook=progress)

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