What library/package to use for parsing XML?

Irmen de Jong irmen.NOSPAM at xs4all.nl
Mon Jan 30 16:20:08 EST 2017

On 30-1-2017 18:58, Chris Green wrote:
> I want to parse some XML data, it's the address book data from the
> linux program osmo.  The file I want to parse is like this:-


> I basically want to be able to extract the data and output in other
> formats - e.g. write to a Sqlite3 database and/or CSV.
> So what do I need to import (and probably install first) to do this?

No need to install anything. Python has batteries included.

Parse your XML with xml.etree.ElementTree
Read/write CSV with csv
Put stuff in sqlite3 database and query it using sqlite3


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