count points where is within the polygons using shapely and fiona

Xristos Xristoou saxri89 at
Sun Jan 29 14:42:47 EST 2017

i tried to count points from the point shapefile where is within in the polygon shapefile but i fail.Maybe my code is complete wrong but i tried.
any idea how to fix my code ?
i want fast method because i have big data features
from shapely.geometry import shape
import fiona

filepath1 = "point.shp"
file1features = []
intersectfeatures_file1 = []
intersectfeatures_file2 = []
count =0
outschema = None
with fiona.collection(filepath1, "r") as input1:
    outschema = input1.schema.copy()
    for p1 in input1:

filepath2 = "polygon.shp"
with fiona.collection(filepath2, "r") as input2:
    for p2 in input2:
        for p1 in file1features:
            [count for i in [shape(p1['geometry']).within(shape(p2['geometry']))]]
            if p1 not in intersectfeatures_file1:
            if p2 not in intersectfeatures_file2:

print count
if intersectfeatures_file1:
    outfile = "outputfile1.shp"
    with fiona.collection(outfile, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", outschema) as output:
        for outfeature in intersectfeatures:
if intersectfeatures_file2:
    outfile = "outputfile2.shp"
    with fiona.collection(outfile, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", outschema) as output:
        for outfeature in intersectfeatures:
on the print count i take 20 times the number 1. after for this count i want to export to new shapefile the polygons where have specific number of points. thnx

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