Choosing a Python IDE. what is your Pythonish recommendation? I do not know what to choose.

Dietmar Schwertberger maillist at
Wed Jan 4 16:09:30 EST 2017

On 04.01.2017 07:54, Antonio Caminero Garcia wrote:
> Unfortunately most of the time I am still using print and input functions. I know that sucks, I did not use the pdb module, I guess that IDE debuggers leverage such module.
pdb is actually quite useful. On my Windows PCs I can invoke python on 
any .py file with the -i command line switch by right clicking in the 
Explorer and selecting "Debug". Now when the script crashes, I can 
inspect variables without launching a full-scale IDE or starting the 
script from the command line. For such quick fixes I have also a context 
menu entry "Edit" for editing with Pythonwin, which is still quite OK as 
editor and has no licensing restrictions or installation requirements. 
This is a nice option when you deploy your installation to many PCs over 
the network.

For the print functions vs. debugger:
The most useful application for a debugger like Wing is not for 
bug-fixing, but to set a break point and then interactively develop on 
the debugger console and with the IDE editor's autocompletion using 
introspection on the live objects. This is very helpful for hardware 
interfacing, network protocols or GUI programs. It really boosted my 
productivity in a way I could not believe before. This is something most 
people forget when they evaluate programming languages. It's not the 
language or syntax that counts, but the overall environment. Probably 
the only other really interactive language and environment is Forth.

> If it happens to be Arduino I normally use a sublime plugin called Stino
> (1337 people starred that cool number :D)
Well, it is CodeWarrior which was quite famous at the time of the 68k Macs.
The company was bought by Motorola and the IDE is still around for 
Freescale/NXP/Qualcomm microcontrollers like the HCS08 8 bit series. 
Around ten years ago the original CodeWarrior IDE was migrated to 
something Eclipse based.
When I last evaluated HCS08 vs. Arduino, the HCS08 won due to the better 
debug interface and native USB support. HCS08 is still quite cool, but 
when it comes to documentation, learning curve, tools etc. the Arduinos 



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