
Erik python at lucidity.plus.com
Sun Feb 12 19:34:27 EST 2017

On 13/02/17 00:23, Erik wrote:
>>>>>> r"hello \the" "worl\d" "\t"
>>> 'hello \\theworl\\d\t'
>>> The initial string is raw. The following string adopts that (same as the
>>> second example), but the _next_ string does not!
> Why is the first string token parsed as a "raw" string, the second
> string token also parsed as a "raw" string (without the 'r' prefix), but
> the third string token NOT?
> That's what I'm trying to point out.

OK, I get it now - because '\d' is not a valid escape sequence, then 
even in a non-raw string literal, the '\' is treated as a literal 
backslash character (not an escape).

So, the second string token is NOT being treated as "raw", it just looks 
that way from the repr (and as you point out, a newer version of the 
parser which explicitly complains about invalid escape sequences removes 
that ambiguity).

Cool ;)


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