
ast nomail at com.invalid
Thu Feb 9 02:03:32 EST 2017


In python courses I read, it is explained that

def f():

is equivalent to:

def f():

f = decor(f)

But that's not always true. See this code

class Temperature:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0

#  @property
    def celsius(self): 
        return self.value
    celsius = property(celsius)        

#  @celsius.setter   
    def celsius(self, value):                <-- overwrites previous celsius
        self.value = value

    celsius = celsius.setter(celsius)     <-- error here

When you define the setter function named celsius, it overwrites 
the previous property object also named celsius ...
and it fails:

celsius = celsius.setter(celsius)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'setter'

any comment ?

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