Stackoverflow question: Is there a built-in identity function in Python?

Ben Finney ben+python at
Thu Dec 7 18:38:24 EST 2017

Ethan Furman <ethan at> writes:

> My contention is that an identity function is a do-nothing function
> that simply returns what it was given:
> --> identity(1)
> 1
> --> identity('spam')
> 'spam'

These seem good to me. One argument given, the same result returned.

> --> identity('spam', 'eggs', 7)
> ('spam', 'eggs', 7)

That's a confusingly inconsistent result, as pointed out by other
responses in this thread.

I would expect an identity function to accept exactly one positional
argument. Given more than one positional argument, it should raise a

 \         Legionnaire: “We have their leader captive!”  Cæsar: “Is he |
  `\       bound?”  Legionnaire: “Of his health I know not, sir.” —The |
_o__)                    Goon Show, _The Histories Of Pliny The Elder_ |
Ben Finney

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