Proposed new syntax

Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Fri Aug 18 02:16:00 EDT 2017

Steve D'Aprano <steve+python at> writes:
> For loops and comprehensions (in Python) are inherently procedural,

Sure, and floating point arithmetic is inherently imprecise and doesn't
follow the associative laws for either addition or multiplication.
There are times when we have to be aware of those details.  Usually,
though, we want to act as if they represent the mathematical reals, and
we read Python statements involving floats as if they were mathematical
statements involving reals.  When possible, we write in a style where
this doesn't cause problems, use double precision to decrease rounding
errors in long calculations, etc.

Similarly we occasionally have to be aware of the procedural nature
of Python list comprehensions, but most of the time we think of them
in terms of the mathematical abstraction they are designed to resemble.

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