Rawest raw string literals

Mikhail V mikhailwas at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 11:44:45 EDT 2017

Quite often I need raw string literals for concatenating console commands.
I want to input them exactly as they are in python sources.

There is r"" string, but it is obviously not enough because e.g. this:
s = r"ffmpeg -i  "\\server-01\D\SER_Bigl.mpg" "

is not valid.

The closest I've found is triple quote literal:
s = r"""ffmpeg -i  "\\server-01\D\SER_Bigl__" """

This is what I use now, still there is problem: last quote inside the string
needs escaping or a space character before closing triple quote,
otherwise there is again an error.

What I think: why there is no some built-in function, for example like:
s = raw("ffmpeg -i  "\\server-01\D\SER_Bigl__"")

which would just need *one* quote sign in the beginning and on the end.
Would it be useful, what do you think? I think looks better than triple quote.
In the past there were quite a lot additions to string manipulation,
probably there is already something like this.


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