Python and the need for speed

Michael Torrie torriem at
Wed Apr 12 10:46:45 EDT 2017

On 04/12/2017 03:33 AM, Brecht Machiels wrote:
> However, rinohtype is located in a very different niche and it would 
> greatly benefit a lot from a speed boost. Rendering the Sphinx 
> documentation (311 pages) takes almost 10 minutes on my i7, which is 
> simply too long given the available processing power. And yes, I have 
> spent a lot time profiling and optimizing the code. You're always 
> welcome to demonstrate my incompetence by means of a pull request, of 
> course ;-)

You talked about PyPy before.  Did you try rinohtype on pypy3?

I tried to download pypy3 just now but the x86_64 binary package isn't
compatible with my old distro (Centos 7) and I don't quite have time to
build it from source.  But if I can get that running I would like to try
your rinoh demos with it and see how it performs.  I've seen some pretty
good speedups on slow, CPU-intensive python code before with pypy.

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