Why searching in a set is much faster than in a list ?

ast nomail at com.invalid
Wed Sep 28 01:51:01 EDT 2016


I noticed that searching in a set is faster than searching in a list.

from timeit import Timer
from random import randint

l = [i for i in range(100)]
s = set(l)

t1 = Timer("randint(0, 200) in l", "from __main__ import l, randint")
t2 = Timer("randint(0, 200) in s", "from __main__ import s, randint")

t1.repeat(3, 100000)
[1.459111982109448, 1.4568229341997494, 1.4329947660946232]

t2.repeat(3, 100000)
[0.8499233841172327, 0.854728743457656, 0.8618653348400471]

I tried a search in a tuple, it's not different that in a list.
Any comments ?

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