Nested for loops and print statements

Cai Gengyang gengyangcai at
Mon Sep 26 16:57:39 EDT 2016

Ok it works now:

>>>for row in range(10):
      for column in range(10):


but how is it different from ---

>>> for row in range(10): 
       for column in range(10): 
SyntaxError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 

Why does the example on top work and the example below doesn't work ? The only difference is that the "print" statement is one space different from each other. Forgive me if i can't explain things clearly over the forum 

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 3:57:18 AM UTC+8, Larry Hudson wrote:
> On 09/26/2016 08:25 AM, Cai Gengyang wrote:
> > I just wanted to note that sometimes the code works, sometimes it doesn't. (even though both are exactly the same code) ... Weird , dum dum dum
> >
> It is NOT weird.  Python is being consistent, YOU are not.
> These examples are NOT "exactly the same code"!  The indenting is different.  Python (correctly) 
> treats them as being different.
> YOU MUST USE CONSISTENT INDENTING.  You MUST always use spaces (the recommended) or always use 
> tabs.  Never, ever, not at any time, can you mix them.
> (Now, does that emphasize the point enough?)  Go back and REWRITE your code with CONSISTENT 
> indenting.
> -- 
>       -=- Larry -=-

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