how to automate java application in window using python

Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Sun Sep 18 05:25:42 EDT 2016

Lawrence D’Oliveiro <lawrencedo99 at> writes:
>> The term "automation" is frequently used in the Windows world to mean
>> programming something that you would otherwise do manually through a GUI...
> Which is not something that GUIs are designed for. Therefore it is at
> best an unreliable exercise, at worst futile.

Windows applications often (usually?) provide automation interfaces,
which are what the rest of us would call API's.  This has been done in a
lot of ways: OLE and COM objects back in the day, .NET currently, other
things in between.  It's not done by screen scraping or anything stupid
like that.  It's actually pretty well thought out, though with the usual
layers of Microsoft and OOP bureaucracy around everything.

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