How to convert 'ö' to 'oe' or 'o' (or other similar things) in a string?

Steven D'Aprano steve+comp.lang.python at
Sun Sep 18 02:31:05 EDT 2016

On Sunday 18 September 2016 13:30, Peng Yu wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Martin Schöön <martin.schoon at>
> wrote:
>> Den 2016-09-17 skrev Kouli <dev at>:
>>> Hello, try the Unidecode module -
> I don't find a way to make it print oe for ö. Could anybody please
> advise what is the correct way to do it?

In general, there is no One Correct Way to translate accented characters into 
ASCII. It depends on the language, and the word.

For instance, in English ö will usually be translated into just o with no 
accent. We usually write coöperate and zoölogy as cooperate and zoology, or 
sometimes with a hyphen co-operate, but never cooeperate or zooelogy. But if 
the word is derived from German, or words that *look* like they might be 
German, we do sometimes use oe: Roentgen rays (an old term for x-rays) after 
Wilhelm Röntgen, for instance.

But in other languages the rules will be different. How, for example, should 
one translate an Estonian word containing ö into Turkish, but using ASCII 
letters only? I have no idea. But in both languages, and unlike German, ö is 
*not* considered an o-with-an-accent, but a distinct letter of the alphabet.

As far as Python goes, if all you want to do is replace ö with oe and Ö into OE 
(or perhaps you should use Œ and œ?) then you can use str.replace or 

mystring.replace("Ö", "OE").replace("ö", "oe")

git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic 
endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.

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