iterating over multi-line string

Doug OLeary dkoleary at
Sun Sep 11 11:34:18 EDT 2016


I have a multi-line string that's the result of reading a file filled with 'dirty' text.  I read the file in one swoop to make data cleanup a bit easier - getting rid of extraneous tabs, spaces, newlines, etc.  That part's done.

Now, I want to collect data in each section of the data.  Sections are started with a specific header and end when the next header is found.

^1\. Upgrade to the latest version of Apache HTTPD
^2\. Disable insecure TLS/SSL protocol support
^3\. Disable SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLS 1.0. The best solution is to only have TLS 1.2 enabled
^4\. Disable HTTP TRACE Method for Apache

There's something like 60 lines of worthless text before that first header line so I thought I'd skip through them with:

x=0  # Current index
hx=1 # human readable index
rgs = '^' + str(hx) + r'\. ' + monster['vulns'][x]
hdr = re.compile(rgs)
for l in data.splitlines():
  while not hdr.match(l):

which resulted in a typeerror stating that str is not an iterator.  More googling resulted in:

iterobj = iter(data.splitlines())

for l in iterobj:
  while not hdr.match(l):

I'm hoping to see that first header; however, I'm getting another error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 30, in <module>

I'm not quite sure what that means... Does that mean I got to the end of data w/o finding my header?

Thanks for any hints/tips/suggestions.

Doug O'Leary

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