Override property setter of base class in Python 3

Nagy László Zsolt gandalf at shopzeus.com
Sun Sep 11 07:17:49 EDT 2016

> Even the problem seems to rather defeat the purpose of a property. A
> property should be very simple - why do you need to override it and
> call super()? Doesn't this rather imply that you've gone beyond the
> normal use of properties *already*?
I'm not sure about that. I'm going to send a USE CASE in a separate

> Subclassing and overriding are part of the interface of a class,
> albeit an interface that only a subset of other classes will use.
> Think carefully about why, if this is meant to be made available, it
> isn't simply a method call.

Properties are also part of the class interface. I don't see any good
reason why property get and set methods should not be overridden in

Provisional syntax:

class A:
    def __init__(self, prop=0):
        self.__prop = prop
    def prop(self):
        return self.__prop
    def prop(self, value):
        self.__prop = value

class B(A):
    def prop(self):
        print("Getting value",super().prop)
        return super().prop

    def prop(self, value):
        print("Setting new value",value)
        super().prop = value

The only problem is that we cannot access "the property setter
implementation of the superclass" easily.

There is already a standard working way to overcome this: property
virtualizer methods. (See my second email.) That pattern *allows
attribute like access and polimorphism at the same time*, but at the
cost of making the class interface more difficult and harder to
understand. I only asked for a way to remove the seemingly neccessary
bolierplate code ("syntax noise") and make it cleaner.


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