urllib2 timeout not working - stalls for an hour or so

Sumeet Sandhu sumeet.k.sandhu at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 03:31:09 EDT 2016


I use urllib2 to grab google.com webpages on my Mac over my Comcast home network.

I see about 1 error for every 50 pages grabbed. Most exceptions are ssl.SSLError, very few are socket.error and urllib2.URLError. 

The problem is - after a first exception, urllib2 occasionally stalls for upto an hour (!), at either the urllib2.urlopen or response.read stages.

Apparently the urllib2 and socket timeouts are not effective here - how do I fix this?

import urllib2
import socket
from sys import exc_info as sysExc_info
timeout = 2

    try :
        req = urllib2.Request(url,None,headers)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req,timeout=timeout)
        html = response.read()
    except :
        e = sysExc_info()[0]
        open(logfile,'a').write('Exception: %s \n' % e)
< code that follows this : after the first exception, I try again for a few tries >

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