announcing fython

nicolasessisbreton at nicolasessisbreton at
Sun Oct 2 09:43:17 EDT 2016

**Is Fython a full-featured Python implementation that compiles to Fortran, or a thin wrapper around Fortran that uses Python syntax, or something in between? 

It's something in between. Fython is a programming langugage with its own syntax. For example

	def mean:
		int in n
		real in x(n)
		real out r
		int i

		for i in [1, n]:
			r = x[i] + x[n-i+1] # a funky mean

The syntax is very close to Python. All variables must be typed, because this is the key to performance. To use this program in Python, we do

	from fython import *

	m = load('.mean') # assuming previous code is in file: mean.fy

	n = Int(3)
	x = Real(value=[1,2,3])
	r = Real()



So Fython provides a wrapper around itself for Python to use.

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