generator no iter - how do I call it from another function

Sayth Renshaw flebber.crue at
Sat Oct 1 10:09:23 EDT 2016

> Steve
> “Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
> enough, things got worse.

Loving life.

I first started with a simple with open on a file, which allowed me to use code that "iter"'s.
for example:
for meet in root.iter("meeting"):
        for race in root.iter("race"):
            for nom in root.iter("nomination"):
                meetattr = meet.attrib

I then got correct output so wanted to scale up to passing a directory of files. So skipping the code that deals with getting it off the command line I implemented a generator to yield the file root object as needed.

This is that code
def return_files(file_list):
    Take a list of files and return file when called.

    Calling function to supply attributes
    for filename in sorted(file_list):
        with open(dir_path + filename) as fd:
            tree = etree.parse(fd)
            root = tree.getroot()
        yield root

My question is though now that I have implemented it this way my

I pull in the root via a function first few lines are
def dataAttr(roots):
    """Get the root object and iter items."""
    with open("output/first2.csv", 'w', newline='') as csvf:
        race_writer = csv.writer(csvf, delimiter=',')
        for meet in roots.iter("meeting"):

which I call as
rootObs = return_files(file_list)

So if I use a generator to pass in the root lxml object to a function how do I iter since python provides an error that iters don't exist on python objects?

This is said error

± |master U:1 ?:1 ✗| → python3 data/ -e *.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 77, in <module>
  File "", line 55, in dataAttr
    for meet in roots.iter("meeting"):
AttributeError: 'generator' object has no attribute 'iter'



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