help on "from deen import *" vs. "import deen"

jfong at jfong at
Tue Nov 15 21:39:25 EST 2016

Michael Torrie at 2016/11/15 10:43:58PM wrote:
> Seems like you're still not understanding Python variables.

I do, just not get used to it yet:-)

> .... However once
> you assign to these names in your current module you are breaking this
> link to the deen module and assigning a new object to these names in
> your current module's namespace.

Why? the name "tblm" is already exist and is a mutable one, should be changed intuitional by "tblm=tbli". If I really need a new list, I can create one by using a new name. Python shouldn't have its finger in my pie:-(

> You're getting hung up on the names,
> when you should be concentrating on what the names refer to.

That's one problem I was concerned. Human beings are very deeply binding on words (names?). We think in words, talk in words, communicate in words. Actually we are living in words. I really don't like that when I said "John is a boy" and was told "No, John is a dog now":-)


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