Windows: subprocess won't run different Python interpreter

Thorsten Kampe thorsten at
Fri Nov 11 05:46:59 EST 2016

* eryk sun (Fri, 11 Nov 2016 09:55:23 +0000)
> If it works like cmd.exe, then it does its own search using %Path% 
> and %PathExt%. For example:
>     C:\>cmd /c "set "PATH=" & cmd"
>     'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>     operable program or batch file.
> But why should subprocess.Popen implement its own search like the
> shell instead of relying on CreateProcess to search for the
> executable? You'd have to come up with an argument to convince the
> devs to change the behavior in 3.7.

My goal is to verify that other shells/interpreters on Windows work 
the same way as Python when running an application or creating a sub-
process. Cmd does not. What's else there? I have Bash here but that's 
a Cygwin executable. And Cygwin Python does not work like Windows 

Any ideas?


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