is modulefinder.ModuleFinder working at all?

Wolfgang Maier wolfgang.maier at
Wed Nov 9 16:57:49 EST 2016

On 09.11.2016 22:48, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> I've not used it before, but I suspect it's meant to be used in
> "freeze" type environments. In that situation, you really do want
> everything reachable, whether the script imported it or not.

Hmm, but that's exactly the problem. It *is* supposed to report only 
what's imported and *not* everything that's available. At least that's 
how I understand the docs.

> It doesn't take much to wind up importing much of the stdlib either. Try:
> python -m modulefinder -m /path/to/
> This is from Python 2.7, YMMV slightly in Py3.

Yeah, I have tried this as well (with other stdlib modules), but you 
shouldn't wind up things with the example from the docs.


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