advanced SimpleHTTPServer?

Ulli Horlacher framstag at
Wed Nov 2 03:27:05 EDT 2016

"python -m SimpleHTTPServer" is really cool :-)

But I need some more features:

- some kind of a chroot, to prevent file access higher then the base

- a directory listing mit date and size information

- an upload possibility

I could modify /usr/lib/python2.7/ by myself, but maybe
someone already has implemented these features?

Use case: users with notebooks in a foreign (WiFi) LAN want to exchange
some files on-the-fly, quick-and-dirty. Using USB sticks is a no-go! :-)

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail: horlacher at
Allmandring 30a                Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
70569 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:

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