Multiple inheritance, super() and changing signature

Ben Finney ben+python at
Tue May 31 16:01:43 EDT 2016

Nagy László Zsolt <gandalf at> writes:

> Today I come across this problem for the N+1st time. Here are some
> classes for the example:

Thank you for the example.

(Note that ‘__init__’ is not a constructor, because it operates on the
*already constructed* instance, and does not return anything. Python's
classes implement the constructor as ‘__new__’, and you very rarely need
to bother with that.)

For the reasons you describe (among others), participating in multiple
inheritance is tricky.

As described in numerous articles, for example
the right way to do this is:

* Obey the Liskov Substitution Principle (sub-classes should override a
  method only when they allow all the parent's behaviour as well as
  their own).

  This also means that the sub-class should pass any unknown arguments
  along to the superclass's method to handle.

* Once a parameter is handled in a method, remove it from the set and
  pass only the remaining arguments along to the superclass's method.

> class Observable:
>     """Implements the observer-observable pattern."""
>     def __init__(self):
>         # initialization code here...
>         super(Observable, self).__init__()

This should be:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # …
        super(Observable, self).__init__(**kwargs)

> class Widget(Observable, AppServerSessionMixin):
>     def __init__(self, appserver, session):
>         self.appserver = appserver
>         self.session = session
>         # general widget initialization code here...
>         super(Widget, self).__init__()

This should be:

    def __init__(self, appserver, session, **kwargs):
        self.appserver = appserver
        self.session = session
        # …
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

> class VisualWidget(Widget):
>     def __init__(self, appserver, session):
>         # some more code here for visually visible widgets...
>         super(VisualWidget, self).__init__(appserver, session)

Since this function doesn't do anything with the parameters, it doesn't
need to have its own names for them:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # …
        super(VisualWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

> class BaseDesktop:
>     def __init__(self, appserver, session):
>         # general code for all desktops is here...
>         super(BaseDesktop, self).__init__(appserver, session)
> class BootstrapWidget(VisualWidget):
>     def __init__(self, appserver, session):
>         # bootstrap specific code for all widgets (not just desktops)
>         super(BootstrapWidget, self).__init__(appserver, session)

And again:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # …
        super(BaseDesktop, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # …
        super(BootstrapWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

> class BootstrapDesktop(BootstrapWidget, BaseDesktop):
>     def __init__(self, appserver, session):
>         # there is NOTHING else here, it just connects bootstrap widget
> implementation with desktop methods
>         super(BootstrapDesktop, self).__init__(appserver, session)

If the ‘__init__’ method literally does nothing except call the
superclass's method, don't define it in BootstrapDesktop at all.

And likewise for the rest: pass along all remaining arguments, and don't
write a do-nothing ‘__init__’.

> Of course, I could explicitly call constructors of base classes. But
> then I cannot use super() anywhere. Even not in places that are far
> down in the class hierarchy. This results in typing all method
> parameters many times, and also unnecesary refactoring.

You avoid this by the ‘**kwargs’ idiom (no need to name arguments you
don't explicitly handle), and by not writing any ‘__init__’ if you want
the default behaviour (call the superclass's method).

> This is time consuming and error prone.

As pointed out in Raymond Hettinger's article
multiple inheritance is inherently tricky and there is an irreducible
complexity that has to appear somewhere in your code.

> In fact, I could never safely use super() in any case when the method
> signature has changed. When signatures are changed, method resolution
> must be done manually anyway.

Use ‘**kwargs’, and always pass along the remaining ‘**kwargs’
minus-any-parameters-you-already-handled, to protect your existing
classes from unnecessary signature changes.

 \     “Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far as |
  `\         society is free to use the results.” —Richard M. Stallman |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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