Exended ASCII and code pages [was Re: for / while else doesn't make sense]

Marko Rauhamaa marko at pacujo.net
Thu May 26 05:11:44 EDT 2016

Jussi Piitulainen <jussi.piitulainen at helsinki.fi>:

> UTF-16 ASCII is weird. Wierd. Probably all right in an environment
> that is otherwise set to use UTF-16.
> Nothing is as weird as a mix of different encodings of a foreign
> script in the same "plain text" file, said to be "Unicode". <shudder/>

Some children are just born under unlucky stars. Windows and Java are
among them. If they had been designed a few years earlier or a few years
later, they could have evaded the UTF-16 embarrassment, maybe the
multithreading embarrassment as well.

Python didn't come out unscathed, either. Multithreading is being
replaced with asyncio, and Python 3 broke backward-compatibility to get
Unicode right.


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