[pyinotify] help required to send only one mail for chunk of events

Mohan L l.mohanphy at gmail.com
Mon May 23 16:20:07 EDT 2016

Hi All,

I am using the bellow script to watch directories.  Using 20 seconds to
aggregate together a larger chunk of events and enabled coalescing of

I wanted to send an email notification with content of logfile after 15
mins on any change. The idea is I want to send only one mail for chunk of
events.Say for example, I want to send only one email when some one extract
a tar.gz file in watched directory.

I can write method to send email (say send_mail) which accept content of
logfile. But I am not sure How to integrate it with below code so that my
send_mail method get triggered only once for chunk of events.

Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks for your time and efforts.

Here is code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import pyinotify
print "pyinotify not installed"
import datetime
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser

class MyEventHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent):

log = ""
flog = None

def process_IN_CREATE(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_CREATE. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("CREATING", event.pathname)

def process_IN_DELETE(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_DELETE. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("DELETING", event.pathname)

def process_IN_MODIFY(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_MODIFY. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("MODIFIED", event.pathname)

def process_IN_OPEN(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_OPEN. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("OPENED", event.pathname)

def process_IN_ACCESS(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_ACCESS. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("ACCESSED", event.pathname)

def process_IN_ATTRIB(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_ATTRIB. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("ATTRIB", event.pathname)

def process_IN_DELETE_SELF(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_DELETE_SELF. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("DELETE_SELF", event.pathname)

def process_IN_MOVED_FROM(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_MOVED_FROM. event
is an instance of Event.
self.write_msg("FILE MOVED FROM", event.pathname)

def process_IN_MOVED_TO(self, event):
This method processes a specific type of event: IN_MOVED_TO. event
is an instance of Event.
msg = event.src_pathname + " -> " + event.pathname
msg = event.pathname

self.write_msg("FILE MOVED INTO", msg)

def openlog(self, logfile):
This method opens log file in append mode.
self.log = logfile
self.flog = file(self.log, 'a')

def write_msg(self, event, msg):
This method writes evens in logfile as well as stdout.
out_msg = self.generate_timestamp() + "\t" + event + ": " + msg + "\n"
if len(self.log) > 0:
print "LOGGED", out_msg
print "NOT LOGGED", out_msg

def generate_timestamp(self):
This method generate and return timestamp for log.
Timestamp format is YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS.
d = datetime.datetime.now()
datestr = "%d/%.2d/%.2d-%.2d:%.2d:%.2d" % (d.year, d.month, d.day, d.hour,
d.minute, d.second)
return datestr

def main():

parser = SafeConfigParser()

### The watch manager stores the watches and provides operations on watches
wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()

### List of watched events. To specify two or more events just orize them
mask = pyinotify.IN_CREATE | pyinotify.IN_DELETE | pyinotify.IN_MODIFY

# List of watch path

pid_file_name=parser.get('mywatcherscript', 'pid_file_name')

logfile=parser.get('mywatcherscript', 'logfile')

# Add watch(s) on the provided path(s) with associated flag value.
# Parameters:
# path - Path to watch, the path can either be a file or a directory.
#        Also accepts a sequence (list) of paths.
# mask (int) - Bitmask of events.
# rec (bool) - Recursively add watches from path on all its subdirectories.
# auto_add (bool) - Automatically add watches on newly created directories
in watched parent directory.
# Returns: dict of {str: int}
# dict of paths associated to watch descriptors.
wm.add_watch(watched_path_list, mask, rec=True, auto_add=True)

# event handler
eh = MyEventHandler()

# notifier
# Put an arbitrary large value (20 seconds) to aggregate together a larger
# chunk of events. For instance if you repeat several times a given action
# on the same file its events will be coalesced into a single event and only
# one event of this type will be reported (for this period).
notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, eh, read_freq=20)
#notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, eh)

# Enable coalescing of events.
notifier.loop(daemonize=True, pid_file=pid_file_name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Thanks & Regards
Mobile: 9444955058
E-Mail: l.mohanphy at gmail.com | thefossgeek at gmail.com
IRC: neophy
Blog : http://lmohanphy.livejournal.com/

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