Python and GPSD

dieter dieter at
Mon May 23 03:23:56 EDT 2016

John McKenzie <davros at> writes:
>  I need help using the Python bindings for GPSD. Specifically, I would 
> like to take a latitude reading, put it in a variable and use it later. 
> The problem is that every example I see involves constantly taking 
> changing readings. That part I have working for myself by following 
> existing examples.

I do not know "GPSD" - therefore, I have only very general remarks
for you.

A Python binding, any kind of, is just a binding: it allows you
to interact with a third party entity (usually a library or a service)
via Python.

To use a binding successfully, you will need to understand this
third party entity: how it expects to get initialized, what
order of calls are supported, what input parameters are expected
and what output the calls produce.

Once, you have grapsed the essentials of the third party entity,
you can have a close look at the Python binding to learn how to
do all this from a Python script.

I am speaking as the author of "dm.xmlsec.binding", a binding
to the "XML Security Library". Surprises similar to those
reported by you can occur when someone uses "dm.xmlsec.binding"
without a thorough understanding of the "XML Security Library".

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